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How to Get Past the Frost Fury in Adopt Me

okay i think i'm live hey what is up you guys it's megan welcome back to my channel pg squad today i'm so excited because today is the long awaited day that we've been waiting for the day that adami is updating for their



i am so so excited that you guys are all here you guys are all so so special to me i have some exciting news today during the livestream i'm going to be giving away fly potions and some new holiday pets to you guys all you have to do is um

how to get the frost fury for free in roblox adopt me roblox adopt me christmas update frost fury

text my phone number it's right here on the screen and i will be selecting some of you guys with your usernames and joining your games so make sure your joins are on and giving you guys some


prizes so guys i am just so excited let me know if you guys are excited too and also do not forget to use star code megan plays when purchasing robux for this


i'm hoping all the audio is good i need to pull up like my discord just in case okay we're looking good we're looking good

let's put this here put this here and that way i could see absolutely everything okay so right now while we wait why don't we watch adami's brand new video where they talk about the new


i think that that would be a good idea just to really see what may be happening with today's


i mean it's supposed to go live in a minute but i'm not quite sure yet so let's get that rolling let me come over here and type in youtube um


me like this the winter




ion island what cool stuff is in the


please hold so let's go ahead and get on my display capture let's hide the phone number we got the star code meghan plays up because it is very imperative that you guys use star code megan plays during this


we will pause our


music and we will take a look at what this


has in store i did notice something whenever i was taking a look and i thought it was very exciting the winter


has hit


ion island what

cool stuff is in the


the winter


comes with new pets new pets new hats new bandanas mini games winterkin say it ain't snow tell me more gotta love the puns mysterious present piles and melted snowmen this is exciting so there's some sort of questing objective in this


which we are very excited about from snow pile to snow person the gingerbread is the same minigame we had last year but it looks like the gingerbread men have been reworked they look a little different so

i'm really glad this is back because this was always really fun to do they don't like being bumped into oh my gosh look at this very nicely look at all these snowflakes that are going above these look collectible to me and also we can see here we have a snowman we have a yeti uh or i think that's a yeti right there real small we have the



and some other pets like the linux we have some like it looks like a peppermint frisbee and some other little plushies maybe oh hey the

door's open and here is a winterkin guy to do the


with it is 10 am the


should be coming at any moment now now this is really exciting because it looks like we're gonna have to quest to get the



um it looks like it is a combination of hobbies you're gonna have to melt these icicles to grab the pies to feed to the



because he is hungry so it looks like it's going to be quite treacherous i'm not very good at obvi's but i am very hopeful that

i will be able to accomplish this for you guys today people are saying the game is updating my save's loading oh my gosh guys okay so let's let's hope we get on come on oh there's my whole desktop let's hope that we get on okay um i'm on i'm on that is so easy okay wow okay cool cool cool so uh six new festive


y pets new mini games skating's back knee toys and cozy pet wear unlock the



guys look at this i was gonna title this video how to get it for


but i wasn't sure oh my gosh i wasn't sure oh my gosh guys we're pivoting this is gonna be how to get





i'm gonna be giving away some of these i swear i had no idea that these would be um like that's how to get the fur i had no idea that this was gonna be


okay or not


obtainable look at this guys so i got my



pet oh he's so cute so let's go ahead and get him some fly and ride potions um i need i wish that there was a way to

bulk buy these thank you so much for the super chat um shay happy happy birthday i hope that it's a fantastic one so let's get a fly potion and a ride potion for this guy right here let's click feed i'm so excited guys remember you could text the phone number that's up on the screen right now i've decided it's like a chance to win some of these


dragons look at them


furies that's gonna take all the geese dude my game is frozen um but text the number on

the screen because i'm to be picking some of you guys who have your joins on and send me your username to give the



to and do not forget to use star code megan plays when buying for this


so let's get out my game is a little bit laggy it always happens it's been happening a lot a lot lately this is so exciting all right so here we go



let's click fly take me to the


oh i'm on a public server oh this is cool i am flying through the air this is

so sick guys this is awesome oh my goodness oh okay okay okay this is awesome so let's check out what else this


has to offer we have these mysterious snow piles but first i think i wanna go oh hello can i help you okay so it doesn't actually like i i haven't actually gotten a quest or anything yet so i don't really know why i'm building these snowmen so there's one of them let's fly around and look for the rest there are so many people playing right now

it's like the cute little world of


me okay i love seeing other people play so talk greetings i am winterkin spirit of the snow i am the winter hinter what's that mean i've been looking for have you been looking for something for some time i will assist you but only in rhyme oh i'm not very good at rhyming um okay so let's see oh so he's supposed to just assist me he's not actually here to help me so i'm so excited let's see if we can quickly find these

other snow piles i don't want to look too hard cause i want to go inside the castle and see what that's all about we have it looks like they have upgraded this the ice skating um function that looks very intense to me so let's get this guy kind of all like i'm trying to help you oh okay i was helping him i just couldn't see the animation all right so there was one in front of the adobe me let's see what's what's up with these presents so let's see what we can

get what is it gonna be give me some presents found a snowball launcher part one okay so there's gonna be a snowball launcher in the game so we got one of the parts to it let's uh okay so wait and then there's more present piles over here right is this how you do this stop ride search oh my goodness okay so let's wait oh i got another part so it looks like it's like a little three-part snow launcher i'm like really hoping to finish this


in today's like a little

how to get the frost fury for free in roblox adopt me roblox adopt me christmas update frost fury

bit what is this oh it's a bike i was like what is that okay so we have another snowman here guys if you know where snowmans are located go ahead and leave it right now because i would like to oh oh whatever you pick up that's so cute okay so let's keep on going like is there are there snowmen in the campsite or did you see by the fire did he melt by the fire do we think there's only um two more and they're really not in tricky spots to find so we've gotten two of the or

three of them oh here's another one so let's stop the ride here you go i'll help you don't worry we just need to find one more and then we need one more present too so hey that's looking really good guys whenever you take to the skies of


me by


dragon or



that's gonna take a while for sure what's back here oh nothing okay guys make sure you're using star code make them plays when purchasing for this


it helps the channel out a lot more

so than you know now i don't see them really putting snow piles or anything up here unless there's a way to get up here without flying because i don't think that'd be very fair right okay yeah not up here so where's this last one where's the last snowman at oh the guy is the the



's getting a little sleepy he's like i'm done helping with this uh main square i got that one let's see the bridge by the hospital oh wait here's a snowplow

here's some presents right here okay cool cool is this the last bit i need oh oh yes okay so i have the snowball launcher oh my gosh is this gonna be like the is this gonna be like another candy cannon situation oh my gosh i'm gonna have to go like try to get one on all my accounts okay and then you guys were saying that there was one by the bridge by the hospital um and then we could go inside and we can see what this other stuff is about okay so let's um the hospital's right

here is he on the bridge did he melt oh thank you guys okay i see him i see him i see him you guys are like the best okay so let's go and build a snowman okay so then that should be it i've built all the snowman well now what oh okay 300 gingerbread men nice i am about to cough and i just want you guys to know that i'm not sick but it is winter and i can feel stuff in my throat okay so we finished the snowman task so you get some gingerbread while doing that and i've collected

all the stuff for the the what's it my called what the snowball launcher gosh darn here we go guys we're checking out the castle now i do not have a domi's music playing just because i wasn't sure if it would be copywritten because that happened during the halloween


so what are these can i collect these no okay so let's stop this ride let's start by looking over here little snowflake earrings oh i need gingerbread men of course i do i always do oh and these


wings those are so cool and then a


crown so let's get this bad boy all dressed up you look so stunning let's go ahead and get some of the other pet wear wait oh okay it's just there's a little bit of a delay look guys he has wings now and then i think i should be getting the


crown there we go you look so fashionable okay so then over here we have ourselves a candy cane toy we have a peppermint thingymabob and then a holiday chew toy and here are the pets guys so we

have the musk ox right here which is uh quite fashionable if i do say so myself we have the snow owl which we knew was coming the snow owl is ten thousand gingerbread the muskox is three thousand ten thousand gingerbread is somewhere between six hundred and twelve hundred robux i think it's closer to maybe a thousand robux maybe um that's kind of a lot if you if you don't save up the gingerbread men um and then the muskox is 3500 you're gonna need probably 300 300 80 400 robux

for the muskox the linux is five four thousand so yeah you're gonna need 300 uh definitely 400 robux for that and then we have the snowman which is 2 000 so that's the cheapest pet and that's gonna be somewhere around 250 robux ish and then six thousand gingerbread for the yeti so oh wrong one six thousand gingerbread so you're gonna need to like maybe this 600 pack maybe a little bit less maybe 500 so the yeti let's i want to see what they all are basically so the musk ox

3500 10 000 4 000 6000 2000 okay yeah why i think that the snowman should have been more expensive than the muskox that's my opinion um so here we have the yeti he's looking good he's what oh what a baby he's he's a big boy he's big there oh he's playing with the toy that's so cute okay so now we have ourselves some


furies i will be buying a lot of these but we already know that we have our first



let's check out the rarities of all these pets

so the



is a legendary the muskox is a rare the snow owl is also a legendary a yeti is ultra rare snowman uncommon and the linux is rare so that's awesome guys i really like that i could just pay for all the um pay for all the items and not have to open up a ton of eggs so guys let's go ahead and hop on our



and check out the little the thingamabob that we're supposed to be doing the the the quest and guys if you haven't yet text this phone number down below i

will be picking some of you lucky peachy squad members who send me your username to joy in their games and give them from some fro give them some


furies so let's go and stop this ride let's do this oh my goodness this is so exciting okay so oh gosh what's happening here feeding frenzy mini games tip mini game hasn't started yet explore come back later oh gosh so melt ice and collect food for the



food further uh food further in the cave is worth more so this is a

mini game are there more mini games or is this the only mini game do you guys know can i fly through it oh my gosh so how often do the mini games go for um to my lovely husband if you're watching this still let me know if you see any information on how many mini games there are and what points they activate so guys this is looking like a really big cave for the for the aubie they must think i'm some sort of uh magician but i simply am not guys i simply am not oh my goodness um let me see

i'm looking at the chat to see if there's any information on the this mini game this is a deep cave how am i gonna get out of here i'm gonna have to oh here he is guys the



so he's eating oh my gosh she's got all the pies oh all the cheese you know the same same all right so let's go and head out and see like this uh this song has music in it so i'm gonna switch to the next one real quick there we go this person i don't speak russian what this is a lot

how to get the frost fury for free in roblox adopt me roblox adopt me christmas update frost fury

that's a lot okay so gosh how long do you think we're gonna have to wait for the mini games and how many mini games do you suppose there are i guess we could try out this gingerbread racing while we wait for the next mini game so let's okay so this is the finish so that means this is the start speedy the penguin let's talk hi there i'm speedy i mean i'm speedy the penguin make i make race courses and hobbies for my friends to play do you like to race i've set up a

course right here in the lake want to try my course i'll give you 800 gingerbreads when you complete your first run nice so gingerbread did collect seven okay so how do i do i go like this over here is this the this really do be a knobby doesn't it okay we're looking good no sir whoa okay oh my goodness i'm doing it we did a flip i wasn't prepared to do the flips oh no okay this is easier than it was last year i will say that they have they have made it the race was called

off because i went off the ice i was so close to the finish all right 66 gingerbread okay so that's like how many you get so it totals it up which i like so this is gonna be this is definitely going to be the easiest way to earn gingerbread throughout all this um i think i think it's i think it's just that mini game in the building with snowman find the presents okay so i've done those hey excuse me sir why don't you watch where you're going all right so let's just

keep on trucking along here trying to collect all the all the gingerbread men now they don't like respawn immediately so i don't know how often they do respawn but you can go through multiple times and get the snowman the the gingerbread men at different points i finished my first race speedy pay me hey now come on come on what oh i just i had to activate the race again okay that's okay so wait how often does the



dragon mini game go off i need to know it's nightfall

does that mean it's time i just need to know okay excuse me oh that guy bumped into him and then he bumped him into me seems a little unfair and i don't want to leave fruit that's unfair come on somebody let me know how i could join in the how i could join the mini game with the



because that's what i want to do okay so we're gonna try this this is the last time i'm trying this ah that was close gotta have to cut in i don't wanna no i almost got there

without hitting a single one did it heck yeah baby that's what i'm talking about okay no i just finished it where am i 800 gingerbread you know it's fine let's just go back and see if we can figure out how to do this mini game that's what i need to know go thr go through what go through the yellow circles the yellow circles i'll have to do that a different time i want to know about this


i'm gonna have to dm someone the screen's yellow mini game hasn't

started yet like is it in the


or is it a multiple part


that's what i want to know you know okay i've just asked somebody on the team about this game i don't see a countdown timer like i did halloween i don't see anything for it so i'm like trying to look for some information on it um what yes it says start megan search for gifts i already got all the gifts um that was not the start ah yes oh my gosh guys we got it must be on a global timer or something so

we've joined the



mini game i'm nervous guys i'm so nervous guys hit that like button if you're enjoying today's stream and do not forget to use star code megan plays when purchasing robux for this


also after we do this minigame i'm going to be selecting some of you guys i'm gonna be selecting some of you guys to gift


theories too so all you have to do is text the phone number on the screen all you have to do is text the phone number on the

screen and i will be joining some of you guys who text me your username make sure your joins are on to gift you some


theories so just make sure you text the number on the screen right now it is us and canada only unfortunately this is kind of hectic so um i guess what i'm kind of like not super understanding is like it's like yeah i'm getting score from this but do i have to make it to the end of the obby like excuse me no let me up like do i have to make it to the end of this

obby for it to count you know what i mean because i don't this is a little difficult it's a little difficult so that's something i don't get i don't feel like there's enough time because we flew through the hobby we saw like how dense it was it was it was a lot it was a lot so let's just see if we can run through i don't understand like are you racing to the end are we trying to get the like i just i i just i don't think i'm smart enough to understand the

purpose completely game over so it's like i guess when they present it like a like an obby my mind is like i have to beat the obby but i also want to collect all the the stuff so what's the point of it being dense is as far as you can get in a minute i don't even think you could run the whole thing in a minute so i just i'm a little confused the start megan this the start is by the speedy penguin it's a loop did i mess up so you're telling me i've been going the wrong

way okay fine i will attempt this this penguin race one more time now that you guys have told me what i'm doing wrong okay told me what i'm doing wrong i am a 25 year old woman and sometimes i am stupid okay so here we go i understand now i see the start thing start excuse me all right now we've done the race backwards a few times what are these black rings am i missing a oh i am missing yellow ring what the heck oh my gosh this was a lot harder than anticipated wait i'm not very

good at this guys oh i see the black rings are what's like coming next gosh i feel stupid excuse me i see i see now i figured it out thanks to you guys you guys are the best here we go wow see once i got going guys i'm much better at it than i thought excuse me what the heck oh it wants me to go all the way back now okay i see now this makes a lot of sense i feel so stupid for the way i was trying to do it before oh my gosh you did great i hope my friends weren't too hard on you they

were super mean to me they pushed me down thank you though speedy all right there we go guys so now i can check the phone number and see who was like texting me with their usernames so i can join some of you guys and hand you guys out some


bury so if you guys haven't yet make sure you text the phone number on the screen with your username um and i'm gonna be uh copying pasting and picking some you guys so my username is this i'm gonna i'm gonna pull them up into like a

different thing so uh and players okay so here's one of them one of you guys join requests we're on guys make sure your join requests are on um let's see my username is this okay let's see are your joins on joins are on guys so let's go find this user and give our



the way that you get a



is you text the number down below i'm going to be picking some of you guys to give these two i want to give out five of them right now and then i will be just

generally doing it throughout the day which is really fun so guys make sure you text me your usernames and you have your joints on um the name is up on the screen right now so we're trying to oh my stomach is making hungry noises even though i'm not that hungry okay okay so i gotta find her house let's go and buy a


fairy for her these are much cooler than the


dragons there i said it okay it's like it's hard because then it's like you gotta find the user guys

so maybe also like stay in your house i just realized i like leaked this girl's username and now people are gonna join her because she has her joins on so that was not smart of me people are gonna join her where is she this was harder than expected where is her house here's her house oh thank you thank you that is so nice wow that was nice it's not me i know i know but i'm trying to be nice uh okay hold on everyone hold on oh wait where is she her house looks like my house where

is she okay which one is she where is she i can't find her guys i don't want to give up but her house is my house that's so cool where is she guys i can't find her i i don't know where she is guys so i might she left the server guys oh we gotta find someone else i think dang it okay so i'm gonna look for someone else and i'm not gonna leak their username this time because i i want to be able to find them okay josephine i'm coming to you josephine we're going

to josephine guys we're doing our best to give out these


dragons so josephine i'm coming to you text the phone number on the screen if you guys want a chance to get a


dragon or a



teleport i can't teleport to people who aren't my friends in


i can always like friend them for a second but then people are mad when i unfriend them but i just i can't have everyone as my friend because it becomes unfair so josephine hopefully i can find her rather

quickly if not this will just have to be a task for me and myself and i so let's see um check these houses over here for sure i'm gonna find her guys don't worry my stomach is making noises do not listen to my stomach making noises this is her house okay is she in her house guys moment of truth is she in her house okay i told her to come home josephine come home please her house is beautiful guys i'm just trying to give away these


dragons but it's proven a little harder

than anticipated her house is so well decorated is she talking in this chat at all i'll give her some time i guess don't forget to use star code make it place when purchasing robux guys how am i supposed to give you is this her that's not her that person's name isn't josephine that's not her i just wanted to do good deeds i just wanted to do good deeds okay maybe i just try for the next person i don't know let me let me see i'm refreshing so let's see whose

username i pulled this time i'm really trying to tv bear 0-1 and she's not in game you guys have to be in a game sunflower amy offline guys you gotta come on i'm still looking for people to give the the stuff to guys it's proven harder than i thought okay 13 17 i'm joining your game this user is just a bunch of uh a bunch of string of text so now string of text uh numbers and her bio says live left eye so we're gonna attempt to give her the



and then if this

doesn't work i'm just gonna be doing it off and on all day maybe i'll be giving out some robux gift cards um just you know as little


gifts to you guys to those who text the number oh okay uh so let's see i just wanted to give out things okay so let's try again please be in your house 3 30 17. i'm looking for her house let's see come on let's go down this way then oh she's okay okay she she chatted me oh my goodness finally someone's on and

they're outside of their house is this her house i'm gonna i'm gonna assume it's her oh my goodness guys it's happening i finally was able to give somebody the



let's see if we have like a fly potion there we go a little bonus gift a little bonus gift guys if you want a chance go ahead text the number on the screen i am going to be selecting usernames from this um and giving away some


dragons i keep on calling them that


furious guys


furious and

do not forget to use star code megan plays when purchasing


also guys do not forget to hit that like button in the stream okay i would appreciate it okay okay and guys don't worry i'll also pick winners from the comments as i usually do so if you guys want to enter that way all you have to do is hit that like button that subscribe button and comment your username down below i will be picking five of you i will be picking five of you to give out


furies too so go ahead and do

that guys we are about to wrap up the stream so make sure you guys get your likes in get your phone numbers in um get your comments in get your subscribes in because i will be giving away more


furies throughout so guys thank you so much for liking and subscribing and using star code megan plays do not forget to hashtag stay peachy stay kind and i will talk to you guys next time goodbye pt squad

Source : MeganPlays

How to Get Past the Frost Fury in Adopt Me
